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Last Resort AB

Last Resort AB - an independent brand founded by Pontus Alv and his friend and shoe designer Samy. Pontus is a professional skateboarder and also known as the creator of Polar Skate Co. Brand started as an idea of making ideal shoes, both suitable for skaters and wear on a daily basis. Flat-soled shoes by Last Resort AB are made to last, with the main accent on functionality and quality. Also, provide minimalistic silhouettes, clear lines, and retro vibes. “Intention to detail” - is the main idea of Last Resort AB. The brand represents the company with no corporate backing, shoes are made by [read more]skaters, and for skaters.

"These shoes are made by and for Skateboarders around the world, girls and boys out on the streets having fun, being creative. We don’t have any corporate backing, no one telling us what to do. And neither should you." — Pontus Alv
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